Can a Subaru Jump Start Another Car?

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Imagine you’re in a situation where your car won’t start, and you’re in dire need of a jump start. You may be wondering, “Can a Subaru jump-start another car?” This question often arises when Subaru owners want to lend a helping hand to a friend in need. In this informative article, we’ll dive deep into this topic, addressing various aspects related to jump-starting a vehicle with a Subaru. Let’s get started!

Jump-starting a car is a skill every driver should know, as it can be a real lifesaver in emergency situations. Subaru, known for its reliable vehicles, is equipped to handle such tasks effectively. In this article, we will explore how a Subaru can jump-start another car, providing you with essential information, safety precautions, and step-by-step instructions.

How to Jump Start a Car with a Subaru

Jump-starting a car might seem daunting, but with the right knowledge and precautions, it’s a straightforward process. Here’s a detailed guide on how to use your Subaru to jump-start another car:

  1. Park Both Cars Safely: Position the Subaru and the dead vehicle so that they are close but not touching, with both engines turned off.
  2. Open the Hoods: Pop the hoods of both vehicles and secure them in place.
  3. Locate the Batteries: Identify the battery terminals, typically marked as positive (+) and negative (-). In most Subarus, you’ll find the battery in the engine bay.
  4. Connect Jumper Cables: Attach one end of the red (positive) jumper cable to the positive terminal of the Subaru’s battery.
  5. Connect the Other Red Cable: Connect the other red cable to the positive terminal of the dead car’s battery.
  6. Connect the Black Cable: Now, connect one end of the black (negative) cable to the negative terminal of the Subaru’s battery.
  7. Ground the Other Black Cable: For the final connection, attach the remaining black cable to an unpainted metal surface on the dead car’s engine. This acts as a grounding point and reduces the risk of sparks near the battery.
  8. Start the Subaru: Start the Subaru’s engine and let it run for a few minutes to charge the dead car’s battery.
  9. Start the Dead Car: Attempt to start the dead vehicle. If it doesn’t start, wait a few more minutes and try again.
  10. Disconnect Cables: Once the dead car is running, carefully disconnect the jumper cables in the reverse order of how you connected them.
  11. Keep Both Cars Running: To ensure the battery in the previously dead car charges fully, keep both cars running for at least 10 minutes.
  12. Recharge the Battery: Encourage the owner of the dead car to drive it for a while to recharge the battery fully.

Safety First

Jump-starting a car carries some risks, so it’s essential to prioritize safety:

  • Wear Safety Gear: Use safety glasses and gloves to protect yourself from any potential sparks or battery acid.
  • Follow Proper Order: Always connect and disconnect the jumper cables in the correct sequence to avoid sparks and electrical damage.
  • Avoid Short Circuits: Ensure that the jumper cables don’t touch each other or any metal surfaces other than the designated terminals.
  • Consult the Manual: Refer to your Subaru owner’s manual for specific instructions and precautions related to jump-starting.


Q: Can any Subaru jump-start another car?

Yes, virtually all Subaru models can be used to jump-start another car, provided they have a functioning battery.

Q: How long should I let the cars run after jump-starting?

It’s advisable to keep both cars running for at least 10 minutes to ensure the previously dead car’s battery is adequately charged.

Q: Can jump-starting a car damage the Subaru’s electrical system?

Jump-starting a car is generally safe for the Subaru’s electrical system if done correctly. Following the proper procedure is crucial to avoid any potential damage.

Q: What if the dead car still won’t start after jump-starting?

If the dead car doesn’t start after a few attempts, there may be a more significant issue with its battery or electrical system. Consult a professional mechanic for assistance.

Q: Can I jump-start a car in the rain?

Jump-starting a car in the rain is generally safe, but it’s essential to take extra precautions to prevent electrical components from getting wet.

Q: Is it possible to jump-start a car without another vehicle?

Yes, you can use a portable jump starter or a jump box to jump-start a car without the need for another vehicle.


In conclusion, Subarus are versatile vehicles that can indeed jump-start another car when needed. However, it’s essential to follow the correct procedure and prioritize safety to avoid any mishaps during the process. Remember, being prepared and knowledgeable about jump-starting can be a real asset when you or someone you know is in a pinch on the road.

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